Tips for managing people working from home
Posted on 2nd June 2020 at 12:36

Make sure team members have the equipment they need. Seems obvious but working on a lap top screen when looking at spreadsheets might be difficult. Allow them to take some office equipment during a temporary move to ensure a comfortable and healthy workplace.

Agree ways of working. Make sure every team member is clear about how you will work together remotely, how you keep each other updated, and how frequently.

Share information and encourage your team to do the same. Without physical ‘making a cuppa in the kitchen conversations’, opportunities to pick up information in passing are more limited. Use technology such as chat and messenger so your team can stay socially connected to each other.

Have a daily virtual catch up. Using face to face technology to bring people together is essential for keeping connected as a team, to check in on each other’s well-being and keep workflow on track. It needn’t be long, but regularity is key. Schedule regular 121s and team meetings to maintain structure.

Remind your team about the big picture and how their work fits into it. Be open about the business challenges. Review short-term goals regularly and adjust as needed. If some members can’t carry out all their usual work, consider what else they can do to meet team goals.

Set expectations and trust your team to deliver without micromanaging. Accept that they won't be in front of the laptop all the time. Focus on results rather than activity.

Check your feedback and communications. People can be more sensitive if they’re feeling isolated or anxious, so take this into account when talking or writing. Communicate regularly, listen closely to read between the lines to get a sense of what people are thinking or feeling.

Be flexible. Understand that individuals are trying to juggle a number of different things. Help foster relationships and well-being. Make time for social conversations. It also reduces feelings of isolation.
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